Incentive systems play an important role in the increasingly globalized and competitive film sector. They provide the production companies with financing components and are decisive factors in the question of where productions are carried out.
More information about FISAplusA new incentive model started in 2023.
No application is possible until the FISA+ guidelines 2025-2027 come into force.
The model is based on 3 pillars:
- International service productions in cinema, TV & streaming (FISA+)
- Austrian TV and streaming productions (FISA+; TV in coordination with RTR)
- Austrian cinema films (ÖFI+)
Here you can find a fact sheet for FISA+!
The FILM in AUSTRIA team is delighted with this major step towards strengthening Austria as film location!
With FISA+, international films and series in the field of cinema, TV & streaming (including production parts) as well as Austrian TV and streaming productions are supported. The program provides lasting impetus for Austria as a production location.
FISA+ is the funding measure of the Federal Ministry of Labor and Economics and is handled by Austria Wirtschaftsservice Gesellschaft mbH (aws). The Austrian Film Commission FILM in AUSTRIA is the first and central point of contact for monitoring and supporting international film, TV and streaming projects and potential applicants for funding within the framework of FISA+.